Saturday, February 15, 2020

About humanity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

About humanity - Essay Example The main reason that heroes from these two different cultures are so different is because of the vastly differing views in the afterlife. To demonstrate these differences, we can examine Achilles and Sir Gawain, two exemplary heroes from their own specific eras. In Homer’s Iliad, Achilles was the greatest warrior of the Trojan War. His decisions to fight and to not fight turned the entire tide of the entire war. Often times, though, people of today have a hard time accepting Achilles’ place as a great hero. He was prideful, thirsted for glory, did not seem to act with much integrity, and seemed to have abandoned his comrades for a time. However, it is pridefulness and thirst for glory that made him a hero in ancient Greek ties. This is because to the Greeks, the vision of the afterlife was one where people basically disappeared into the underworld. In order for people to earn some sort of immortality, they had to do something so great that they would be remembered as a great hero for all time. This is why Achilles was such a great hero to the Greeks. Achilles was by far the greatest warrior of the Trojan war. No other warriors came as close to slaying as many enemies as he did. When he decided to not participate in the war, the Trojans felt a certain amount of certainty that they could win. After Patroclus’ death, Achilles lets out a great cry, signaling his return to the battle: â€Å"The great sound shocked the Trojans/ into tumult, as a trumpet blown/ by a savage foe shocks an encircled town,/ so harsh and clarion was Achilles’ cry† (6. 251-254). So great was Achilles’ strength that just the sound of his voice alone was enough to send terror through the Trojans. This even more than examples of his fierceness in battle shows the extent of Achilles’ reputation. In this comparison, Homer is stating that the sound of Achilles’ voice is comparable to what a town

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Assignment 6 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assignment 6 - Coursework Example Thus, Americans need a good understanding of Islamic religion and culture in order to operate effectively in such regions. 2. 6- A) Guanxi refers to relationship networks supported by reciprocation known as connections. On the other hand, guanxiwang is referred to as â€Å"relationship network.† These are very important in business since they help to create a network that can help sustain a business. In other words, it helps build long term relationship or bond between the business and its targeted consumers (Ridley, 254). B) The experience of DMG tells us that connections that emanate from what is known as guanxi determine the way things work in China. The connections spell the relationships that exist but the case of Dan Mintz shows that he found a way around them to get things done. This strategy may be helpful in creating new connections especially by going over the existing relations in order to create new connections. C) The ethical issues that are likely to arise when drawing upon guanxiwang to get things done in China involve elements of truthfulness and honest when conducting business. More emphasis is put on personal relationships. However, there are some limits of using guanxiwang for a Western business committed to high ethical standards given that focus is on relationships while western cultures stress the importance of